Co-Owners Jessie and Miranda opened JadedCraftDesigns in mid 2022 on Etsy, and the shop immediately took off in ways that neither of them expected. Now, they are reaching new heights with a powerful and talented team of writers behind them.

Everyone deserves a little comfort in their lives, and that is something the brand has held onto since it opened its doors. We want to provide the highest quality items at the lowest possible cost, because no one should be princed out from getting something they really love.

Etsy was definitely a learning experience for the pair, but it helped them grow their business and their passion, as well as expand on the types of products they wanted to offer and grown their client base. But, as with most things when business are just starting out, Jessie and Miranda soon out-grew the online platform and needed more freedom than Etsy could offer. And so, this site was born. And they could not be more excited to see it grow and flourish the way their previous online shop has.

Their Etsy is still live, if you want to check out some of their offerings not found here;

Thank you for checking out our site, and we hope that we can bring you a bit of joy and comfort when you need it most.

-Jessie and Miranda, Co-Owners